Epub⋙: Fluent Entity Framework (Fluent Learning) by Rebecca M. Riordan

Fluent Entity Framework (Fluent Learning) by Rebecca M. Riordan

Fluent Entity Framework (Fluent Learning)

Fluent Entity Framework (Fluent Learning) by Rebecca M. Riordan PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A Fluent Learning Book


Based on the principles of cognitive science and instructional design, Fluent Entity Framework, part of the Fluent Learning series, is a true tutorial that will help you build effective working models for understanding a large and complex subject: developing Entity Framework applications using Visual Studio.


Most introductory books just talk at you and give you “exercises” that have more to do with taking dictation than actually learning. Fluent Entity Framework is different. It guides you through learning the way your mind likes to learn: by solving puzzles, making connections, and building genuine understanding instead of just memorizing random facts.



• Write .NET applications using Entity Framework 5.0

• Use all three of the supported Entity Framework workflows

• Create, extend, and query arbitrarily complex data models

• Use the Entity Framework Fluent API and T4 templates to create truly provider-independent data models


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