Epub⋙: Handicapping Magic by Michael Pizzolla

Handicapping Magic by Michael Pizzolla

Handicapping Magic

Handicapping Magic by Michael Pizzolla PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Handicapping Magic presents a comprehensive approach to handicapping the thoroughbred horse race. It's not just another book by an expert showing how good he is. Instead, the techniques are explained step by step and there are dozens of real life examples. Complete instructions on calculating the Fulcrum Pace, Pace Balanced Speed Numbers, Projected Power Fractions, Form Cycle Windows, and much more are provided. The book also contains valuable advice on avoiding the Seven Illusions that can defeat the player, and how to answer the Seven Magic Questions in a Race. Most importantly, the real meaning of the overlay--a true value bet--is revealed and the book will show you how to find them and capitalize from them. The techniques revealed in this book are so simple and straightforward, so easy to use that it will truly seem like Handicapping Magic!

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