Epub⋙: Canine Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy - Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource (Retail Access Card), 2e by Darryl Millis MS DVM Diplomate ACVS ACVSMR CCRP, David Levine PhD PT
Canine Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy - Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource (Retail Access Card), 2e by Darryl Millis MS DVM Diplomate ACVS ACVSMR CCRP, David Levine PhD PT
Canine Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy - Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource (Retail Access Card), 2e by Darryl Millis MS DVM Diplomate ACVS ACVSMR CCRP, David Levine PhD PT PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
- Invaluable protocols for conservative and postoperative treatment ensure the successful healing of dogs and their return to full mobility.
- Printable medical record forms on the companion website, including client information worksheets, referral forms, orthopedic evaluation forms, and more, can be customized for your veterinary practice.
- Six completely updated chapters on exercising dogs define the basic principles of aquatic and land-based exercise and how they may be applied to dogs, as well as how physical therapy professionals can adapt common "human" exercises to dogs.
- Numerous chapters on therapeutic modalities, including therapeutic lasers, illustrate how physical therapy professionals can adapt common "human" modalities to dogs.
- Physical examination chapters offer comprehensive information on orthopedics, neurology, and rehabilitation.
- NEW! Companion website with 40 narrated video clips of modalities and exercises used by physical therapists demonstrates effective ways to treat various neurologic and musculoskeletal problems in dogs.
- NEW! Fourteen new chapters describe the latest advances in the areas of joint mobilization, rehabilitation of the athletic patient, biomechanics of rehabilitation, therapeutic lasers, and physical therapy for wound care.
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