Epub⋙: Security Awareness: Applying Practical Security in Your World by Mark Ciampa

Security Awareness: Applying Practical Security in Your World by Mark Ciampa

Security Awareness: Applying Practical Security in Your World

Security Awareness: Applying Practical Security in Your World by Mark Ciampa PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

For most students and computer users, practical computer security poses some daunting challenges: What type of attacks will antivirus software prevent? How do I set up a firewall? How can I test my computer to be sure that attackers cannot reach it through the Internet? When and how should I install Windows patches? SECURITY AWARENESS: APPLYING PRACTICAL SECURITY IN YOUR WORLD, 3E is designed to help readers understand the answers to these questions, and provide you with the knowledge you need to make your computer and home or small office network secure. This book presents a basic introduction to practical computer security for all users, from students to home users to business professionals. Security topics are introduced through a series of real-life user experiences, showing why computer security is necessary and providing the essential elements for making and keeping computers secure. Going beyond just the concepts of computer security, students will gain practical skills on how to protect computers and networks from increasingly sophisticated attacks. Each chapter in the book contains hands-on projects to help make the reader's computer secure, such as how to use and configure security hardware and software. These projects are designed to make the content come alive through actually performing the tasks. In addition, this experienced author provides realistic security case projects that put you in the role of a security consultant working to solve problems for clients through various scenarios.

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