Epub⋙: English Around the World: An Introduction (Cambridge Introductions to the English Language) by Edgar W. Schneider

English Around the World: An Introduction (Cambridge Introductions to the English Language) by Edgar W. Schneider

English Around the World: An Introduction (Cambridge Introductions to the English Language)

English Around the World: An Introduction (Cambridge Introductions to the English Language) by Edgar W. Schneider PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The global spread of English has had widespread linguistic, social and cultural implications, affecting the lives of millions of people around the world. This textbook provides a lively and accessible introduction to world Englishes, describing varieties used in places as broad-ranging as America, Jamaica, Australia, Africa and Asia, and setting them within their historical and social contexts. Students are guided through the material with chapter previews and summaries, maps, timelines, lists of key terms, discussion questions and exercises, and a comprehensive glossary, helping them to understand, analyse and compare different varieties of English, and apply descriptive terminology. The book is accompanied by a useful web site, containing textual and audio examples of the varieties introduced in the text, and links to related sources of interest. Providing essential knowledge and skills for those embarking on the study of world Englishes, this is set to become the leading introduction to the subject.

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