Epub⋙: Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice (with MyEducationLab) (9th Edition) by Robert E. Slavin

Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice (with MyEducationLab) (9th Edition) by Robert E. Slavin

Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice (with MyEducationLab) (9th Edition)

Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice (with MyEducationLab) (9th Edition) by Robert E. Slavin PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This edition continues to have in-depth, practical coverage with a focus on the intentional teacher by presenting up-to-the-minute research that a reflective, intentional teacher can apply. The eighth edition of this popular text from renowned educational psychologist Robert Slavin translates theory into practices that teachers can use in their classrooms with a further inquiry into the concept of intentionality. An “intentional teacher,” according to Slavin, is one who constantly reflects on his or her practice and makes instructional decisions based on a clear conception of how these practices affect students. To help readers become “intentional teachers,” the author offers a set of questions to guide them and models best practices through classroom examples. Firmly rooted in research, up-to-date theory, and classroom-tested applications, Educational Psychology prepares teachers as no other text does. It teaches them to think about how students develop and learn, to make decisions before and during instruction, and to consider what constitutes evidence that their students are learning and succeeding.

This edition includes a new focus on reflection, new cases, sections on brain research, programs for language minority students, technology, No Child Left Behind, and after school and summer school programs. It contains new critiques of assessment and accountability strategies and a substantially updated treatment of programming for students with special needs.

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