Epub⋙: The International Brand Valuation Manual: A complete overview and analysis of brand valuation techniques, methodologies and applications by Gabriela Salinas

The International Brand Valuation Manual: A complete overview and analysis of brand valuation techniques, methodologies and applications by Gabriela Salinas

The International Brand Valuation Manual: A complete overview and analysis of brand valuation techniques, methodologies and applications

The International Brand Valuation Manual: A complete overview and analysis of brand valuation techniques, methodologies and applications by Gabriela Salinas PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

"The International Brand Valuation Manual" is a detailed and extensive review of the main brand valuation models. The book reveals the state of the art in the field of brand valuation and coherently relates major trends in the theory and practice of brand valuation. This "one-stop" source is for valuation professionals as well as financial and marketing specialists who need to have an understanding of the principal valuation methods. Salinas also analyses the respective efficacy, advantages, disadvantages, and prospects for the future for each method.

The book:

- Provides a thorough overview of all the tools available for the brand valuation practitioner.

- Offers an informed view on which methodologies are most suitable for different types of applications, and explains why.

- Acts as an all-in-one source of reference for specialists who advise clients on which methodology to employ, or who are considering adopting one themselves.

- Features case studies and examples from Guinness, PwC, Rolls-Royce, Santander, Shell, Telefonica, Unilever, BMW, Hanson Trust, Cadbury-Schweppes, Kellogg, Coco-Cola, Mercedes, Rolex, among others.

Gabriella Salinas is the Global Brand Manager at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Madrid, Spain.

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